S2V Esports Unveils New League of Legends Team for Upcoming Summer Split

S2V Esports announced the new League of Legends roster during a live broadcast on its Twitch channel, preparing for the highly anticipated Super League Orange summer split. The event, hosted by League of Videogames Professional (LVP), will kick off on June 15. The team has undergone significant changes, with new members, but the core players have been retained as it seeks to top the upcoming competition. Let’s take a look at the changes to the team!

Roster Details

S2V Esports has officially released the names of the players who will represent the team in the forthcoming summer split:

  • Top Laner: Lennart “Jaeger” Warkus, formerly known as SmittyJ. Jaeger makes a return to competitive play after a hiatus, previously having played for GamersOrigin.
  • Jungler: Óscar “Nyx” Ruiz, who will continue his role from the previous split, bringing stability and experience to the team.
  • Mid Laner: Sergi “Lvsyan” Madrigal, also a returning member, known for his strategic gameplay and mid-lane prowess.
  • ADC: Nicolás “Nixerino” Canellas, joining from BCN Squad, expected to add fresh energy and sharpshooting skills to the lineup.
  • Support: Adrián “Homi” Moldes, another new addition from BCN Squad, will take on the role of support, aiming to fortify the team’s defensive strategies.

The technical staff will see Ramón “Naruterador” Messeguer continue as the team coach, with Belén “Sigilosa” Murillo providing her expertise as an analyst. This combination of seasoned and new team members is part of S2V’s strategic vision to blend experience with new talent, enhancing the team’s dynamics for the competitive season ahead.

Goals for Season

The team, featured in a dynamic stream on Twitch, will kick off their Super League Orange campaign on June 15. With a revamped roster, S2V Esports is optimistic about its prospects, aiming for the upper echelons of the league standings. The club expresses strong confidence in its roster with both current players and newcomers, backed by an experienced coaching and analytical staff.

As a token of appreciation, S2V Esports extended a heartfelt thank you to former team members Viketox, Acidy and Barcode for their dedication and contributions to the previous split. The club wishes them success and good luck in their future professional endeavors.

Anticipating Rising

Fans and followers can keep up to date with the S2V Esports League of Legends team and other teams thanks to regular updates on the club’s social media channels, especially Twitch, which has become a constant source of news and the opportunity to watch all the team’s matches.

With a new team roster and a summer split approaching, S2V Esports is ready to make a name for itself in the League of Legends community. As the competition approaches, excitement is building not only for the players and staff, but also for the fans, who can’t wait to see how the newly formed team will perform in one of Europe’s most competitive esports leagues.